Business Loan

If you wish to expand your business and get an offer on quick and favourable terms - this service is for you i!

3 reasons to choose a business loan offer from Expressbank:

60 ay

Maksimal müddət

5 000 000 ₼

Maksimal məbləğ

12% (AZN) | 4.5% (USD/EUR)

Minimal illik faiz dərəcəsi


Small and Medium Business Loans. This type of loan is intended for all business purposes and available from the subsidies provided by "ARIKZF" (MCGFRA - Mortgage and Credit Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and as well as from Expressbank.

Type With ARİKZF Subsidy Expressbank
Minimum amount 30 000 ₼ 30 000 ₼
Maximum amount 5 000 000 5 000 000
Maximum period 60 months  60 months 
Currency ₼ / $ / €
Minimum annual interest rate (₼) 14% 14%
Minimum annual interest rate ($/€) - 6%
Minimum subsidy interest - -
Grace period up to 24 months up to 24 months
Type With ARİKZF Subsidy SIF   Expressbank
Minimum amount 30000 ₼ 30000 ₼ 30000 ₼
Maximum amount 5 mln 10 mln 5 mln
Maximum period 60
120 months 60
Currency  ₼ ₼ / $ / €
Minimum annual interest rate (₼) 14% 5% 14%
Minimum annual interest rate ($/€) - - 6%
Minimal subsidiya faizi - - -
Güzəşt müddəti up to 24 months up to 24 months up to 24 months





Any resident-legal entity irrespective of the legal form of the organization
Individual engaged in entrepreneurial activity without creating a legal entity
Fixed income source and payment capacity
Continuous operation for at least 6 months
A comprehensive founded project with real cash flow
Highly liquid guarantee (if required)
Guarantee - real estate or movable property, guarantee etc.
Payment - Annuity (with equal shares), special, free

Loan amount
  • AZN
Loan duration (month)
Annual interest rate

Monthly payment

Total amount


Ways of replenishment