Business loans
Söhbət kreditdən gedirsə, işinizi çətinə salmayın! Nağd istehlak krediti üçün müraciət edin!

Business Loan
If you wish to expand your business and get an offer on quick and favourable terms - this service is for you!
12% (AZN) | 4.5% (USD/EUR)
Minimal illik faiz dərəcəsi
5 000 000 ₼
Maksimal məbləğ
59 months
Maximum period

Micro Loan
We offer micro loans to business people with favorable conditions and low interest rates. If you want to grow your small business fast, this loan is for YOU!
70 000 ₼
Maximum amount
Up to 48 months
Maximum duration
Fast filing process

Agro Loan
Take advantage of the Agro Loan product to support the development of agricultural entities!
7% - 12%
İllik faiz dərəcəsi
60 ay
Maksimal müddət
1 000 000 ₼
Maksimal məbləğ

State support to your business with loans by the Entrepreneurship Development Fund!
Minimal illik faiz dərəcəsi
10 000 000 AZN
Maksimal məbləğ
120 ay
Maksimal müddət

It is an opportunity for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to carry out transactions to meet short-term financial needs even if they do not have funds in their current account.
İllik faiz dərəcəsi
100 000 ₼
Maksimal məbləğ
12 ay
Limit müddəti