Expressbank offers you 20,000 manat without collateral and guarantors.

30 January 2019

Expressbank offers you a cash loan of up to 20,000 manat without collateral and guarantors. If you are employed, you can take the opportunity to take a loan with an interest rate of 20% per annum and a maturity of up to 48 months. Also, depending on the loan amount, a discount of up to 3% per annum is offered at the annual interest rate on the loan.

You can save your time and apply for a loan without visiting a bank branch. To do this, you just need to apply for a loan online at

Expressbank also offers you convenient payment options for a loan through the Expresspay payment terminals and on the bank’s website at  

Expressbank has a network of 15 branches, 9 of which are located in Baku and Sumgayit, and 6 in the regions of the country - Ganja, Mingechevir, Barda, Gusar, Khachmaz and Shirvan. The bank has 70 ATMs throughout the country, more than 1000 POS-terminals and up to 700 Expresspay payment terminals.

Detailed information about the bank and its services can be obtained by calling the Information Center at number 132, on the official website of the bank and on the page on the social network