On the eve of the new year, Expressbank launches a new innovative product for its customers!
With a new bank deposit, Damla can be spent and saved at the same time.
Many of us postpone the change in the box when paying for purchases. With a Damla deposit, you can also receive interest on deferred money. There are 2 types of deposit available to choose from - Damla 1 and Damla 5. For each non-cash transaction, a certain part of the payment goes to the customer’s savings account.
For example, if the payment amount is AZN 3.5 and the Damla1 deposit type is selected, 4 AZN is deducted from the account: AZN 3.5 - as payment, and AZN 0.5 - the amount credited to the deposit. If the type of Damla 5 deposit is chosen, 5 AZN is deducted from the account in a similar situation: AZN 3.5 - as payment, and AZN 1.5 - on a deposit account.
In addition, CashBack, which is received for non-cash payments, will also be transferred to the Damla deposit.
As a result, after 12 months, 12% per annum is added to the amount accumulated in the customer’s account when choosing the type of Damla 1 deposit and 10% per annum when choosing the type of Damla 5 deposit. You can connect to this service by contacting any branch of the bank.