Expressbank was declared leader bank for contactless bank cards

01 March 2019

Expressbank was awarded for 3 nominations in the contest declared in the direction of the development of cashless payments for 2018.

Winner banks were awarded for 5 nominations in the direction of the development of the cashless payments, application of the innovative payments, electronic banking and widening electronic trade together with the Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan Banks Association.

Expressbank won the first place for the nomination of “Leader bank for contactless payment” by Central Bank for the general number of the domestic contactless payments done by POS-terminal with plastic cards. The Bank is the holder of the second place in the nomination of “Leader bank for Contactless pos-terminal infrastructure”.

As a logical proof of these successes, the number of plastic cards “Expresso” and “Smilecard” already known in the existing market increased 37% in comparison with the last year, and the circulation for cashless transactions was increased more than twice.

At the same time high evaluation of Expresspay payment terminal services having wide network, supporting the propaganda of the development of cashless payment is another proof of the success of the project.

Since the application of digital technologies and automation of business services play great role in bank operation, the weight of the share of the transactions done in cashless in the amount of financial transactions increased well as a result of a number of taken measures. Therefore, Expressbank won the third place for the nomination of “Leader bank for the development of Electronic trade” on the basis of the evaluation of the market participants.

Not being satisfied with these, the bank will continue to make progress in the direction of the development of electronic trade to increase the quality of the services to be provided to the customers.