New education center for Expressbank employees opened in Baku

28 February 2019

Expressbank, one of the leading banks in Azerbaijan, is constantly working on the professional development of its employees to improve the quality of customer service.

Conducting consistent work in this direction, the bank in the first months of 2019 opened the Express Education Development Center for its employees. Speaking at the opening of the new building of the educational center, the Chairman of the Board of Expressbank Ilham Gabibullayev stressed the importance of having an educational center in the preparation of professional specialists:

“Being a bank that values ​​its employees and pays great attention to their professional development, we decided to establish such a center, and today we are participating in its opening together with you. In many cases, the employee’s acquaintance with the bank, its corporate culture and values ​​begins with such training centers. From this point of view, we tried to add the value of the time that our employees spend here, and was an additional source of motivation for them, in its concept and the possibilities it has. And our main goal is to create conditions that would allow the students studying here to gain theoretical knowledge and, by engaging in real work processes, quickly and efficiently learn practical skills. ”

The director of the human resources department Malakhat Abdullayeva in her speech spoke about the successes in the development of the bank employees, about the goals and future projects in this direction.

“The development of each of our employees is the development and success of the whole team. The main mission of the Express Development Center is to satisfy the demands in the field of quality education and create the prerequisites for talented young people, having received the necessary experience in the banking sector, to achieve even greater success. There are also projects for the personal and professional development of employees already working at the bank. On the other hand, since we prefer the intrabank development path, another focus for the center is to stimulate career growth of employees within the bank, ”said Malahat Abdullayeva.

По словам директора департамента, только в прошлом году центр смог организовать около 200 тренингов, в которых приняли участие примерно 3000 человек. В 2019 году ожидается увеличение этой цифры. На мероприятиях, которые будут проводиться в центре, предусмотрено использование новых и передовых средств обучения.

«Именно с этой целью, отходя от традиционных способов обучения, мы начали новый проект под девизом «Играя, обучайся, стань профессионалом в своем деле», который объединяет в себе игровые и образовательные методики», - отметила Малахат Абдуллаева.

The extensive library also created in the Express Development Center provides bank employees with the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and acquaint themselves with the accumulated international experience in the banking sector.

Note that the Express Development Center is located at the address: Ajami Nakhchyvani Street, 21. For additional information, please contact 132.