Security Requirements for Payment Cards

Security rules

General security

When accepting a bank card from the Bank, it is necessary to sign on the signature panel on the back of the card.

PIN (Personal Identification Number) is a unique four-digit security code that allows electronic payment terminals to transfer transactions via card. No one has the right to demand this code from You under any circumstances.

The PIN-code is not registered anywhere other than the envelope, and the cardholder is personally responsible for the PIN-code after receiving the PIN-envelope from the Bank.

Never keep the PIN-code together with the card or write it on the card. Remember the PIN code or keep it in a place where no one can get it.

Never trust a card to the third party, except for tellers at banks or commercial establishments. If a transaction is conducted via card, definitely do not leave the card without your attention.

Protect the magnetic stripe of the bank card from damage. Never hold a card with devices that have a strong electromagnetic effect.

Be very careful when using your VISA Chip card in countries outside the CEMEA (Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa) region, Visa Canada and Visa Europe, as well as your MasterCard Chip in countries outside Europe and Canada, in Latin America (Mexico for all card types), SAMEA (South Asia (only Pakistan is included in the ATM system), Middle East, Africa) and AP (excluding ATM transactions in Asia and the Pacific ocean region), because EMV Liability Shift is only valid in the regions mentioned above. For further information, you should get a list of countries included in these regions. EMV Liability Shift refers to the transfer of responsibility for fraudulent losses from the card brands to businesses in cases when the fraud occurred on a chip card via terminal (POS or ATM) that does not support operation with chip cards. This responsibility also includes confirmation of the trade transaction through the PIN-code. If in doubt about withdrawing cash from a bank card without authorization, contact the bank. The bank may have the ability to sue for such an unauthorized transaction with your account.

To reduce risks on a regular basis, obtain from the Bank a report on transactions with a bank card and check for unauthorized transactions (such transactions are more common in Southeast Asian countries, Africa and Latin America, Moldova, the Great Britain, Spain, the Ukraine and the United States). When such transactions are detected, immediately contact the Customer Service of the bank, first block the card and then be sure to contact the bank to conduct an investigation.

Necessary security measures during bank card transactions

Be careful when using ATMs, do not trust other people with your card or PIN-code. When entering the PIN-code, make sure that outsiders cannot see it.

Cash is issued within 30 seconds during the ATM transaction. If cash is not withdrawn by the customer within this period, then these funds will be returned to the ATM and the required amount will be debited from your bank card account.

When paying by card in commercial establishments, demand that the sale be carried out with your participation. Otherwise, a copy of your card can be taken and a duplicate card may subsequently be created.

When signing a sales receipt, be sure to check the accuracy of the information and then only sign.

ATTENTION!!! Check that the card returned to you after the transaction really belongs to you.

If you enter a PIN-code when making a card transaction in commercial establishments, first make sure that the device for the PIN-code is connected to or on the payment terminal. Under no circumstances should you accept the offer to enter the PIN-code of the card twice in separate devices in commercial establishments. Please note that transactions with PIN-code are considered to have been made by the cardholder.

During the operation via the Internet, use the services of reputable companies. As a rule, more reliable virtual market entities accept payments using certified systems. For example: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol or Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) standard.

ATTENTION!!! At present, illegal internet trading entities such as "one-day trading enterprises", fake analogues of popular sites, real non-existent business sites, etc. are more common.

Under no circumstances should you provide the card number, CVV2 code (sometimes PVV2), or information about the period of use by telephone to any company (regardless of its purpose).

Keep the phone number of the Bank and the Processing Center in a separate place (in your cell phone book, etc.).

5 golden rules to be followed during bank card transactions:

- Never:

       - forget PIN-code

       - write it on bank card

       - keep PIN-code and bank card together

       - trust it with anyone

- Be careful when entering PIN-code of bank card during the transaction through the ATM, do not allow outsiders to look at the monitor or keyboard!

- Do not throw the receipts given to You during the transaction at ATM, POS into the boxes near them!

- At the end of each month, check your bank card transactions! If you detect any unfamiliar transaction, be sure to contact the bank’s Customer Service!

- In case of loss or theft of a bank card, immediately contact the bank's Customer Service or Processing Center!