Shareholders and Shares

Shareholders Stake
Seyidov Hafiz Mirzagha 19.9832%
State Road Transport Service 0.3794%
Azenco Group LLC 48.7833%
Enerqoservis LLC 30.8541%


Information About The Shares Issued By The Bank 


State registration number: AZ1007005403

Registered body: QKDK

Type and form of action: Share with the usual name.

Nominal value: 368,69 AZN

Total amount: 305.256

Posted: 305.256

Not placed: 0

Purchased: 0


Divident politics 




  • To participate in the management of the society in accordance with this Code, other legislation and the charter of the society, to elect and be elected to its management and executive bodies;
  • Receive information about the society’s activities in the manner prescribed by law, to get acquainted with its annual report and balance sheet once a year;
  • to require the convocation of the general meeting of shareholders;
  • require changes to the agenda of the general meeting of shareholders and the inclusion in the agenda of new topics for discussion;
  • require participation in the general meeting of the company with the right to vote and request a copy of its protocol;
  • to require the audit of the company"s activity by a revision commission or auditor;
  • to receive dividends from net income of society;
  • Acquire a certain remaining part of the company after the completion of the company"s activities, meeting the requirements of the company"s creditors, calculating but not redeeming dividends, as well as after paying liquidation cancellation prices and preferred shares;
  • To require the members of the executive body and board of directors (supervisory board) to be liable for causing negligence and damage to the joint stock company;
  • To participate in the process of selling the company"s shares;
  • apply to the court or other competent authority to compensate the damage to the society or shareholders as a result of a bargaining agreement and related costs;
  • To get acquainted with transactions with blocked deals (dealings with related parties and special deals).